First Turn - Bugs + Things I noticed

Beta4 testers

First Turn - Bugs + Things I noticed

Postby KGB » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:48 pm

A few things I'm noting on turn 1:


1) I'm able to downgrade the walls on my capitol and get money back. It would seem to me that *everyone* would be doing this for the extra initial gold boost since it's a 1-1 give back (cost 100 to upgrade gives 100 when you downgrade). Not to mention any city I capture I'll immediately be looting the walls for money. Maybe not to L0, but certainly down to L3. Not sure this is a good idea allowing this feature.

I just checked this and it has a *major* bug. I downgraded my walls and took the gold. Then I went back and my city walls were still L7. So I downgraded again and again. I got 5K in gold now and bought some dragon production and still have plenty left for another hero. You were right, Beta4 *does* have a lot more gold available to players :lol:

Hmm, Just came back into the game. I don't have any of the gold and all the production I bought is all gone. Something is majorly messed up. It may all be related to bug #2. So I'll wait till you guys fix my attack a city issue.

2) I attacked a city on turn 1 but I got an 'out of sync error' and never saw the battle. I hit reload and the game went to the occupy screen. I occupied the city and set production. However, I can no longer access my hero + Sea Serpent unit. I can open the city and set production there but even the next unit button won't get me access to my hero. In addition, the army that I *killed* is still sitting on the city as a neutral unit.

Can one of you fix this so I can finish the rest of my hero moves / turn.

Things I noticed:

1) Production Buy Screen. On the production buy screen when I click a unit I get the full stats and the unit icon to the right. All the base stats (str,hits, move) are in the same spot for every unit. But the bonus's are not. Sometimes they are to the right, sometimes below etc. Since some units have a lot more bonus's than others, I'd suggest the base stats all units have be separated from the bonus's so it's clearer what are bonus's.

I also find the icons confusing. I realize they are new and it helps with multi-language, but it would be nice to have an option to switch the icons for English text of 'str, hits, move etc). :)

2) Stack select menu. The new stack select menu is slightly confusing to me too. For example I started with a hero and 3 other units (4 total). The hero is in spot 4. by default all units are selected initially. If I click on the hero, it jumps the hero from spot 4 to spot 1 to indicate it's not selected. I find this re-arranging of units on the fly to be confusing. Also the black outline around the unit icon isn't easy enough to see to indicate what units are and are not selected.

I'd suggest you instead put a 'X' over an unselected unit and leave it it's place instead of re-arranging the units. If not an X, then color over the unselected unit in some manner to indicate it's not selected.

3) The train/stop train is confusing. The first city I captured has 3 units I can make, all grayed out. I click one and then I have to click train to start building it. An extra step but OK. Then I went back and decided to make a different army. I clicked another unit and tried to train it. But it wouldn't start building. It took a while for me to realize I had to 'stop training' on the first unit before I could start another one. As soon as you hit train, it should start on the unit you selected.

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Re: First Turn - Bugs + Things I noticed

Postby SnotlinG » Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:17 am

Bug2) is fixed for now. Not sure how that happened. If you are playing using firefox and firebug I would be interested in the ajax-call response for your move-command into the city. Im suspecting it was some kind of PHP error on the serverside.

Edit: Found the bug now and fixed it. I blame Piranha as usal ;-)
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Re: First Turn - Bugs + Things I noticed

Postby SnotlinG » Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:46 am

Bug1) is fixed. You should not be able to downgrade below the level you have now.
FYI The downgrade was never accepted on the server-side, which is why all your money and bought production was not for real after reloading the page...
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Re: First Turn - Bugs + Things I noticed

Postby SnotlinG » Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:50 am

Notice3) You should not need to click stop training, it should be enough to click another unit and then the TRAIN button. I just tested it myself. Could you please try again/confirm the steps you do to repeat this?
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Re: First Turn - Bugs + Things I noticed

Postby KGB » Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:09 pm


Glad you found Piranha's error :)

As far as the wall downgrade goes, it accepted it the first time on the Server. It must have. Because right now my Capitol walls are at L8 (instead of 7) and I still have 1300 gold to spend. I didn't even start with 1300 gold before I bought my hero. So I definitely got some extra money from someplace. Not a big deal though as I am happy to have the extra gold since I need all the help I can get :D

You are right about Notice 3 working now. I may have been related to the fact that was the city that was screwed up from the attack.

New Bug:

1) When the Chat screen is open and you are typing, all the keyboard shortcuts are being activated in the background. For example when I type the letter 'd' I get the message saying I need to select a unit to put it in defense mode. LOL. This may also happen when you name a hero/city etc.

2) In the city menu, the Tent icon tool tip says it's for buying production instead of training units.

3) Sea Serpent Move. The tool tip says it costs 6 to move on land and 1 in the water. Right now my Serpent has 7 moves left and I am in a city. I click on the city square next to me and it says I would have 3 move left if I went there (4 cost) and if I click outside my city it says I would have 2 left (5 move cost). So either the tool tip is incorrect or there is a bug there on the movement.

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Re: First Turn - Bugs + Things I noticed

Postby SnotlinG » Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:03 pm

Strange, but you are correct about the money. I need to investigate the code a bit to see how this could happen.
Did you upgrade your city to level 8 for money you got by downgrading the wall?

Bug1) This is known issue, we will fix it soon.

Bug2) The symbol says "Training" for me?

Bug3) SeaCreatures move cost 5 on Land (6 on Desert/Hills/Mountains). Move cost 4 in cities. Move cost 1 in swamp, shore, sea... Not sure where/how you see the tooltip info, i guess thats old info in some textfile...
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Re: First Turn - Bugs + Things I noticed

Postby KGB » Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:12 pm


Yes, I upgraded to L8 after downgrading a few times and generating 5000 gold. So that's how I ended up with L8 walls. Since you fixed the downgrade bug it won't be possible to do again.

Regarding Bug 2. I just went into the game and checked when its not my turn. You are right that the mouse over tool tip now says train armies. But when it was my turn (yesterday and again today when I finished my turn) the tool tip definitely said buy production. I suspect it may have been because I did this in my capitol and I had no production bought at that time so the tent was red colored (indicating there was nothing to train). So you might try a test map and see what you see when there is no production (capitol on turn 1 or a pillaged city) and the tent is red in color.

Regarding Bug 3. OK, so the movement is not a pure 6 anywhere on land. That text comes from the production purchase screen when you click on a Sea Serpent and get the full data on the unit and hover over the bonus's and it talks about having sea movement and that it costs 6 on land. By the way, with 24 moves and moving on land only costing 5, the Sea Serpent now moves as good on land as Dwarfs and Pikemen do (4 squares total each assuming not on road or Dwarf in hills) and with the change to those units to only have 3 strength instead of 4 they are far better despite taking 2 turns to make. I thought the idea was that on the land they'd move slower than any normal land based unit. They seem an especially powerful unit with that move range of 24 on water and 4 (5 if you save 2 move points) on land since they can come and go ashore anywhere they please while transporting a hero!

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Re: First Turn - Bugs + Things I noticed

Postby piranha » Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:53 am

I had the following text on the red train armies button: Buy production capacity to train armies. I thought it would help players realize that they need to buy production in order to train armies.
I changed it to train armies now. But wouldn't it help to have a text telling the player to buy prod in order to train?

I agree on the sea serpent, I changed it now to 6 everywhere except water / swamp.
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Re: First Turn - Bugs + Things I noticed

Postby SnotlinG » Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:07 am

FYI found the bug on the serverside that allowed you to get money for downgrading walls, so it is fixed there as well. In case someone manipulates the JS code on the clientside and gets money that way :-)
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Re: First Turn - Bugs + Things I noticed

Postby KGB » Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:33 pm


The problem with your text is that I read it as you 'buy production capacity here' to train your armies (with another button). I now understand you are trying to tell players they must first buy production, then return to this button to train the armies. Maybe if you changed it to say 'You must first buy production capacity in order to train armies' it would be more helpful. Also is there a way to make the tool tip box wider so the text doesn't need 3 or 4 lines?

Hopefully the Sea Serpent change back to 6 moves everywhere helps balance wise. It has a very powerful ability being able to come and go ashore anywhere. I now see why this map has a lot of ridges along the shore line to prevent cities from being raided by sea serpents :) I expect cities across a river from each other will be raiding back and forth endlessly with Sea Serpents + Pegasi.

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