How do challenges work?

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How do challenges work?

Postby Chazar » Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:16 am

We've received an email filed in the Challenge folder from another team. The email gives no instructions and we have no idea how to react:

How can we accept/deny the challenge?

How do these challenges work (i.e. how can we challenge another team)?
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Re: How do challenges work?

Postby piranha » Fri Sep 14, 2012 2:47 pm

You can challenge teams from their team page. At the moment it just gives a mail to the team and a wall post but then it's up to the players to set up the game. It's on our list to let the players accept and have the game started.
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Re: How do challenges work?

Postby Chazar » Fri Sep 14, 2012 3:13 pm

Thanks for the clarification!

It would be nice if that would email included a clickable link to the team's homepage.
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