Value of items

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Value of items

Postby SnotlinG » Fri Sep 13, 2013 12:22 pm

We would like to have some community feedback of the value of items (for next version)
A level 1 item can max be valued to 500 gold
A level 2 item can max be valued to 1000 gold
A level 3 item can max be valued to 1500 gold
So a very good lvl1 item should be worth close to 500 gold etc... (this value will be used by the ruins when generating how much extra gold is found beside the item...)

Here is our defaul startingvalues... which ones should be changed?
Code: Select all
Itemname  Level  Goldvalue
Eye of KGB   1   250
Ishmaels relic   1   250
Sir Valor   1   250
Rafaels Crown   1   250
Skeleton kings warden   1   250
Agrippas balanced ring   1   250
Ragnarok   1   250
Moonknights deathslayer   2   500
War Traveller   2   500
Shadow dancer   2   500
Apple of discord   2   500
Marcus helmet   2   500
Kaleidoscope   2   500
Agatas soul cage   2   500
Webbed ring   2   500
Icarus bow   2   500
Lucifers Visor   2   500
Infernal cranium   2   500
Patriarch   2   500
Balins protector   2   500
Kens boots   2   500
Titans adament   2   500
Narya   2   500
Shayatins mask   3   750
Chagats light armour   3   750
Angelic armour   3   750
Merlons sturdy ring   3   750
Eternal coin   3   750
Witch kings flail   3   750
Wizards charge   3   750
Wing of seraphim   3   750
Deaths disguise   3   750
Gabriels heart   3   750
Necromancers Shelter   3   750
Treads of tuor   3   750
Skull ring   3   750
The grandfather   3   750

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Re: Value of items

Postby Moonknight » Fri Sep 13, 2013 11:30 pm

Here are the items I think are the most valuable in their respective classes (and I think most of the level 3 should be at least 1000) items are:

Level 1
Eye of KGB
Ragnorak (b/c of the Barb)

Level 2
Shadow Dancer
Apple of Discord
Webbed Ring
Titan's Adament

Level 3
Death Disguise
Gabriels Heart
Skull Ring
Merlons Study Ring
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Re: Value of items

Postby Negern » Sat Sep 14, 2013 12:00 pm

I think, maybe levels values could "overlap". Some level low level artifacts are better than some of higher level. Maybe level 1 = 250-750, level 2 = 500-1250, level 3 = 1000 - 2000.
I suggest the level 3 values could even be set a little higher, for the really good ones. They are much more valuable in game than the weaker artifacts, i.m.o.

For level 1 I suggest 250:- for +10%&+1 view-helm, 350:- for both 3+ def-items, 400 for +2-ring and ragnarok, 500 for agrippa and KGB.

Level 2 and 3... well, I'll maybe think of that later! :)
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Re: Value of items

Postby SnotlinG » Mon Sep 30, 2013 8:19 pm


For now it looks like this:

Code: Select all
name   level   goldvalue
Rafaels Crown   1   200
Sir Valor   1   250
Skeleton kings warden   1   250
Ishmaels relic   1   350
Ragnarok   1   350
Eye of KGB   1   400
Agrippas balanced ring   1   400
Kens boots   2   425
Lucifers Visor   2   425
Kaleidoscope   2   500
Eternal coin   3   500
Infernal cranium   2   500
Icarus bow   2   500
Marcus helmet   2   500
Moonknights deathslayer   2   550
War Traveller   2   550
Webbed ring   2   600
Narya   2   650
Balins protector   2   700
Titans adament   2   700
Shadow dancer   2   700
Angelic armour   3   750
Treads of tuor   3   750
Necromancers Shelter   3   750
Agatas soul cage   2   800
Patriarch   2   850
Wizards charge   3   850
Shayatins mask   3   850
Apple of discord   2   900
Chagats light armour   3   950
Skull ring   3   1000
Merlons sturdy ring   3   1000
Witch kings flail   3   1100
Wing of seraphim   3   1200
Gabriels heart   3   1200
Deaths disguise   3   1350
The grandfather   3   1350

Let me know if you have any feedback on this, otherwise this is probably how it will be :-)
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Re: Value of items

Postby Moonknight » Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:34 am

Looks good to me...
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Re: Value of items

Postby magian » Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:39 am

I value the patriarch higher than a smaller more reliable bonus like agats soul cage.
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Re: Value of items

Postby SnotlinG » Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:20 am

magian wrote:I value the patriarch higher than a smaller more reliable bonus like agats soul cage.

True, I have increased patriach to 850
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Re: Value of items

Postby tabanli » Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:27 pm

One way to measure the value of an item is to look at the corresponding level change of heroes. I decided to work on it but I couldn't finish it up.

+3 Leadership = 1 Level (Paladin) So +1 Leadership = 1/3 Level
+3 Chaos = 1 Level (DK) So +1 Chaos =1/3 Level
+4 Attacking Leadership = 1 Level (Valkyrie) So 1 Attacking Leadership = 1/4 Level
Defensive Leadership = (1/3)-(1/4)= 1/12

When there are multiple heroes for a specific property, I take average

So 6.5 Ambush is 1 Level.
((+8 Ambush Assasin) + (+5 Ambush Other Heroes)) /2

I took skills and abilities on equal footing.

So 1 Level = 2.5 Undead Lore (Average of 2 and 3)

The results should be close to the intuitive approach by the esteemed WarBarons. It was a fun exercise.
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Re: Value of items

Postby magian » Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:37 pm


I was with you until you put abilities and skills on equal footing. 2.5 UL = 3 Chaos? I can't really get behind that claim.
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Re: Value of items

Postby Chazar » Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:49 am

(Um, is it just me, or are the Items pages in the Warpedia currently offline?)
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