Ruin Rewards

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Ruin Rewards

Postby KGB » Mon May 12, 2014 11:30 pm

Not a huge rush on this one. But it would be nice to be able to set the ruin rewards in a different manner than you currently allow. For example right now I can either select Random or a specific reward (500 gold).

What I'd like is to be able to set the reward Random but disallow a specific type of reward (say allies) so that it would then select a reward from gold, sage, item.

This would be useful when placing ruins in spots where allies can't always move away from (like on a mountain or on a single spot of land in the water where there is no dock. It also has other uses too of course if you want to have no sages in your ruins or no items but otherwise have random rewards.

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Re: Ruin Rewards

Postby Moonknight » Sat May 24, 2014 5:33 pm

I second this! When I was attempting to build a map, I was wishing there was a way to select random items in the ruins as the rewards (so then it takes some of the pressure off of the mapmaker to make things balanced) :D
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Re: Ruin Rewards

Postby SnotlinG » Tue Oct 28, 2014 3:33 pm

a bit late reply :-)

Would adding categories like:
Random gold
Random item
Random allies

solve all your problems?
I think thats easier to implement rather than trying to dissallow certain types.
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Re: Ruin Rewards

Postby KGB » Tue Oct 28, 2014 7:42 pm

Not really. For example if I can *only* select Random Gold then all the ruin will have is gold but no other possible types. But it would definitely be better than what we have obviously.

Is it really this hard to code? I would expect all you need to do is assign a bit field to each ruin (1 = gold, 2 = item, 4 = allies, 8 = sage, 16=custom) for the rewards. So that a ruin with anything (the current Random setting) would have a bit field value of 15 but one that excludes items would have a value of 13. Then when you generate random rewards you just check to see if the bit field is set for that reward and if it isn't set you generate another random reward until you get one that matches the bit field. If it's set to 16 you know that's a custom reward (set item or set allies or set gold amount).

The only tricky part comes on 'random item' where if there are no more items left to place you have to default to gold. You already have logic for that now but would just need to make sure you did that if someone did something crazy like set all ruins to item rewards and there were more ruins than items.

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Re: Ruin Rewards

Postby SnotlinG » Tue Oct 28, 2014 8:09 pm

Its not hard to code, I just said my suggestion would be easier to code (just 3 more options in the dropdownlist in the mapeditor) :-)
Anyway, I have added your suggestion to my todo-list, will think abit about it how I could implement it in the GUI.
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Re: Ruin Rewards

Postby KGB » Tue Oct 28, 2014 10:18 pm

When you click on the ruin in the map editor instead of having a dropdown list for the reward (with the giant list) as you do now you should have a small table with 3 radio buttons:

1) Random
2) Custom Specific (selecting this radio button would then display a dropdown list to the right of the text that contains your current large list of items/gold/allies).
3) Custom General (selecting this would then display a small table of radio buttons that contain: Allies, Gold, Item, Sage to give what I want)

Is that clear?

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