Old Maps Issue

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Old Maps Issue

Postby KGB » Wed Aug 24, 2016 11:40 pm

I was looking through the 'old maps' section trying to find some older abandoned maps in hopes of resurrecting some that might be salvageable because we can always use more playable maps.

I found a couple I was interested in (eg. Ancient Middle East) but they were marked a 'read only' so I was unable to save a copy. I thought all the maps in this section were supposed to be freely available...


P.S. I remember a LOT more older maps than what's there. What ever happened to all of them. Were they deleted by their owner or were they simply incompatible in some way with the current editor (Ancient Middle East was one of the first 10 maps ever made)?
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Re: Old Maps Issue

Postby zorro » Thu Jul 20, 2017 9:44 am

I made some maps in 2011 which all dissapeared too (for examples see the attached minis). But I havent been around for a while, so I cant say when and why they dissapeared. Maybe they were just bad :P
Okto_pre01.jpg (62.56 KiB) Viewed 7963 times
Hexagon_pre01.jpg (81.21 KiB) Viewed 7963 times
Afropa_pre01.jpg (83.45 KiB) Viewed 7963 times
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Re: Old Maps Issue

Postby KGB » Thu Jul 20, 2017 11:40 pm


Long time no see!

I remember those maps quite well. I played a lot of games on the Hex one.

They weren't bad. What happened was the map editor changed to support new terrain and other features. Map creators had a certain time to import their maps into the new editor and even then they had to be hand edited to handle some of the new features. Since you were at that time gone from the site they fell by the wayside.

Not sure if they are stored somewhere where they could be resurrected with the help of SnotlinG or if they are gone forever

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Re: Old Maps Issue

Postby zorro » Fri Jul 21, 2017 4:44 am

Hey KGB!

I was wondering what and how the warlords clones are doing when I found the old warbarons files on my comp and found this project to be the only one working and still alive. Must have something to do with its addicting nature.

Thanks for letting me know about the maps. Its no problem if maps are gone since its not too hard to make new ones. Of course I was looking for them when I came back here. Its good news to hear that there were new features added to the map editor.

Lots of good maps around anyway.
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