Map: Afropa

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Map: Afropa

Postby zorro » Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:57 am

This is to finalize the map Afropa that I have currently in the making. I would appreciate your comments on it.

Currently there are 2 test games (maptest01 and 02) just to see how troops spread, the second one without fog.

Several thoughts I had so far:

Starting positions: It could be an 8 or 6 player map, or with random starting positions. I tried around a lot with 8, finally decided for the current 6.

Ruins: Those are not placed real good yet. First I played around with historical ruins, then I filled the gaps, more or less. Needs tweaking.

Roads: I am not sure yet if I should add roads to it.

Temples: Currently in Rome, Mecca, Jerusalem. I like that as it is.

Armies: Still thinking about if I should place armies or not.


Someone might also be able to answer some questions I have.

1) Are bridges like ports as it was in DLR?

2) Are there tiles planned which flyers cant pass, like walls in the dungeons setting in DLR? That would be sweet.

3) Are there rivers planned (1-tile water)?

4) What do I have to do if I want to edit a map after finalizing/submitting it. Rename? Overwrite? and whom do I have to talk to to remove an older version, not to have x02, x03, x04 etc.?
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Re: Map: Afropa

Postby KGB » Sat Mar 12, 2011 3:29 pm


1) Bridges do not function as ports like in DLR
2) Not to my knowledge. The fact that mountain terrain takes 4 moves for fliers sort of addresses this issue.
3) Not to my knowledge. 2 tile wide is as narrow as you can get. The reason is 1 tile wide would be impossible to put a port on. How would you know which side to attach the port?
4) A) Go to the map editor.
B) Select your 'submitted' map
C) Save it under a new name (like 'Afropa2')
D) Edit the new map, save, finalize, submit etc
E) Post here/send private message to SnotlinG asking the original get deleted

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Re: Map: Afropa

Postby zorro » Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:30 am

Thanks KBG for your answers

About the no movement tile:

I understand mountains slow flyers down, but something that does not let anyone pass would allow for a huge diversity in map making. You can make up way longer distances or one-way-situations, labyrinths etc. Thats why I liked the dungeons setup in DLR so much. In an outdoor setting something like 'high mountains' could help with that.

With 1-tile-water I mean 2 things, wasnt really clear on that.

1) Sometimes it would help if I could place 1 tile by tile instead of the map maker automatically filling a 1-tile-space (which is of course a question of how many detailed tiles can be designed and produced). (Considering water I wouldnt worry about ports, cos you can always add an extra tile where you want to place a port.)

2) The other thing that would be cool would be multi terrain like snow on hills, plains etc., or wood on plains, hills etc., but more important rivers on grasland, hills, forest etc. which would allow for a double functionality like shipping and walking a tile. (Rivers similar to streets where cities could work like ports).

Both things would help the (pseudo-)realistic aspect in map making a lot.

I got to admit that I am not updated about what is already planned - still too new to this project.
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Mini Map Afropa

Postby zorro » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:57 am

Here is a Screen
Mini Map of Afropa
Afropa_pre01.jpg (76.33 KiB) Viewed 11009 times
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Re: Map: Afropa

Postby SnotlinG » Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:33 pm

Hello zorro,

Some quick answers:

Mountains slows flyers down as you all know.
Also in Beta4 there will be a new terraintype: Volcanic, which will be impossible terrain to (currently) all units. Most likely there will be some Hero ability to be able to move on this terrain though.

It is not likely with 1 tile wide rivers for the time beeing. The reason is we dont have the graphics for it and also the logic in the mapeditor for calculating how to place the water-tiles is a bit complex (and would then need to be re-worked to factor in 1-tile rivers) and I have a ton of other areas to focus on currently :lol:
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Re: Map: Afropa

Postby KGB » Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:49 pm


SnotlinG wrote:Also in Beta4 there will be a new terraintype: Volcanic, which will be impossible terrain to (currently) all units. Most likely there will be some Hero ability to be able to move on this terrain though.

Is Volcanic going to be different than Lava or are they one and the same?

In one of the screen shots for Beta4 I saw what looks like a Volcano which I took to be a 4x4 lava square in the editor but maybe that's a separate Volcanic terrain?

I think it's cool if there is impassible volcanic terrain for all units. Just would be nice to have a special high mountains instead since it doesn't always make sense map wise to have volcanic areas blocking movement to all units. Plus as far as Volcanic goes I'd think the Elemental, a pure fire creature would be able to pass there.

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Re: Map: Afropa

Postby SnotlinG » Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:56 am

Sorry for confusion, Volcanic and Lava are the same. It will be called Volcanic in beta4/future.

Volcanic has a few bigtiles, I think you saw one of those in the screen shot.

Yes, we have been discussing if anyone should be able to move on Volcanic, but right now it looks like it will be impossible for all units - with possible exception of a heroskill for a pretty advanced hero.
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Re: Map: Afropa

Postby Moonknight » Tue Mar 15, 2011 8:26 pm

Cool map zorro!

I too think their should be something other than volcanic/lava to be impassable and I like the idea of having a 'dungeon' function to allow a labyrnth.
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Re: Map: Afropa

Postby zorro » Thu Mar 17, 2011 7:04 am


I decided to submit it after some changes:
- guarded lvl2 and lvl3 ruins (anti-air)
- made starting positions random
- added some road fragments reflecting the density of real travel possibilities
- far off cities have access to some unguarded ruins and/or temples
- the closer cities are to each other the more guards they have now (1 to 3 easy troops)

All in all it should be fun to play now. Enjoy!
Afropa_pre01.jpg (83.45 KiB) Viewed 10982 times
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Re: Map: Afropa

Postby LPhillips » Mon May 16, 2011 6:11 pm

Looks pretty good.
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