Results from tournament: Makmak 1vs1 tour

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Results from tournament: Makmak 1vs1 tour

Postby piranha » Tue Dec 25, 2018 1:00 pm

Tournament Makmak 1vs1 tour is completed

Congratulations to all the winners!
From 32 participating players the winners are:

#1 Vicotnic
#2 Chazar
#3 - #4 Igor
#3 - #4 SnotlinG
#5 - #8 makmak
#5 - #8 IsoA
#5 - #8 fantastory
#5 - #8 KGB
#9 - #16 Moonknight
#9 - #16 Tim
#9 - #16 smursh
#9 - #16 nunno18
#9 - #16 AtomicDustmen
#9 - #16 b16
#9 - #16 Goldfish
#9 - #16 Stafford
#17 - #32 Balian
#17 - #32 LordNerevar
#17 - #32 mowhar
#17 - #32 Qwertius
#17 - #32 nobibla
#17 - #32 Paplonix
#17 - #32 Omen
#17 - #32 PATACA
#17 - #32 Celeb
#17 - #32 Mitch
#17 - #32 Todzo
#17 - #32 makeixo
#17 - #32 Solo
#17 - #32 Smedzlatko
#17 - #32 SirDrinkALot
#17 - #32 chris1nd

New tournaments can be found under ladder->tournament in the menu.
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Postby makmak » Wed Dec 26, 2018 4:51 pm

There have been a very tough competition
No one ended undefeated, Vicotnic also had a defeat in earlier stages.
Congrats to Vicotnic for victory

Posts: 133
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 8:48 pm

Re: Results from tournament: Makmak 1vs1 tour

Postby KGB » Thu Dec 27, 2018 7:22 pm

Congrats to Vicotnic.

Posts: 3029
Joined: Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:06 am

Postby Vicotnic » Fri Dec 28, 2018 9:30 am

Thanks, was a long and hard road. All cred to makmak for getting the tourny on it's way!
Posts: 83
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2017 5:17 pm

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