We are working full speed to be able to get beta4 finished as soon as possible.
Together we have now fixed a bunch of bugs and new functionality:
- Taken time to rework all the actions that could mean new viewradius for a player: New Hero, unit moved out of a city due to diplomacy action, hero upgrade of viewradius, occupy of city / building / lookouttower, if you build a tower or upgrade a tower to have more viewradius than the units building.
For all these actions/events I have made sure that if the player see anything new the client is updated accordingly.
- Changed structure for how we save defence values, so it will be easier in the future for updates/changes for defence values for cities/Towers
- completed diplomacy checks etc for unit attacks.
- Added Active city functionality. When a player surrenders all his cities will become active and produce up to 4-6 units per city. One of his cities (capital if still existing) will also become a "City-state", that will activate nearby Neutral cities (1 per turn), i.e. making them Active also.
- Initgame now populates ruins with monsters and treasures. No more "free" money

- Added repopulate ruins, ruins will now have a chance to repopulate during the game. No Item should be duplicated due to this as a check is made of existing items in the game.
- Done main part of the work for resize of the big maps (> 100 tiles in width or height) minimaps to fit in the 300 x 300 area for the minimap. These maps will be scaled down to 2/3 in size.
- keyboard shortkeys for moving the map with the arrowkeys is added and working!

- a unit stopping move on an Anchor will now pop the shipconvert popup, where you can choose if you want to pay gold to upgrade some of your ships. If you choose to move out in the water the popup wont be triggered.
- Also fixed a bunch of Beta4 specific bugs for the initgame part where some buildings didnt get any income generated, and also the FOW-knowledge of Towers (Towers existing on the map from the beginning) didnt get populated properly. Some issues with OK/Cancel buttons fixed where the popupwindows were not closed / clean out properly.
- Update to client move logic to stop if the path takes the unit through a building that is not owned by the player or by a teammate.
- fixed a bug in mapeditor Finalize where a bridge going over Ocean caused the graphic to be broken
- Explored ruins now show diffrent graphic. Its not as distinct difference as I though, i´ll check with Piranha if it is possible to add some green glow or something to make the distinction more visible

Right now Im working on finishing the new city-vectoring page.
After that I need to have a look at how items on the ground should be displayed by the game, and also need to create some kind of FOW-knowledge for dropped items that you have seen but that are in the FOW.