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Registered: 2012-04-09
Last online: Thu 1, Sep 2022, 3:20 pm
Czech Republic
Team: No pasaran!
Sex:male, Age:36
Account: free


Normal stats
1 vs 1: 34 / 8 (81%)
FFA: 15 / 28 (35%)
Team: 17 / 11 (61%)

Ladder stats
1 vs 1: 0 / 0 (0%) (144p)
FFA: 0 / 0 (0%) (55p)
Team: 0 / 0 (0%) (92p)

Total ladder stats
1 vs 1: 18 / 32 (36%)
FFA: 15 / 37 (29%)
Team: 9 / 17 (35%)


You have been challenged. - Sun 7, Jul 2024, 1:13 am
Kind Intelligent Dragons have challenged No pasaran! in a Best of 1, 2v2

makmak: We have an open 2x2 and looking for opponent
Sun 7, Jul 2024, 1:15 am

You have been challenged. - Fri 31, May 2024, 11:33 am
Kind Intelligent Dragons have challenged No pasaran! in a Best of 1, 3v3

makmak: Please suggest maps and use 3 days
Fri 31, May 2024, 11:34 am

You have challenged another team. - Thu 23, May 2024, 9:07 am
No pasaran! have challenged Kind Intelligent Dragons in a Best of 3, 3v3

View all 4 comments
makmak: Please use 3 days and suggest maps
Thu 30, May 2024, 11:11 pm
makmak: Ready for 3x3 please suggest maps
Fri 31, May 2024, 11:33 am

You have challenged another team. - Thu 23, May 2024, 9:07 am
No pasaran! have challenged Kind Intelligent Dragons in a Best of 1, 2v2

makmak: Map suggestions?
Fri 24, May 2024, 8:17 pm

You have been challenged. - Wed 13, Dec 2023, 7:38 am
Hadesha Natives have challenged No pasaran! in a Best of 1, 2v2

Chazar: The requeste rematch is still open! See the old game for the PW!
Wed 13, Dec 2023, 7:38 am
Solo: I joined one of the games.
Wed 13, Dec 2023, 2:51 pm

You have been challenged. - Sat 2, Sep 2023, 5:24 pm
Hadesha Natives have challenged No pasaran! in a Best of 1, 3v3

You have been challenged. - Fri 7, Oct 2022, 8:53 pm
Kind Intelligent Dragons have challenged No pasaran! in a Best of 1, 4v4

You have been challenged. - Tue 27, Sep 2022, 3:18 am
Kind Intelligent Dragons have challenged No pasaran! in a Best of 1, 2v2

makmak: We have an open 2x2 for anyone interested
Tue 27, Sep 2022, 3:19 am

You have been challenged. - Tue 27, Sep 2022, 3:16 am
Kind Intelligent Dragons have challenged No pasaran! in a Best of 1, 2v2

FFA game lost - Fri 10, Jun 2022, 12:10 pm
NPSeraad (VanderDecken) beat LOKSCIkick (Bigfoot), [HN]SirDrinkALot (Donotattack), [HN]nobibla (Trent), PATACA, [HN]Tim (Jolly), NPLordNerevar (Turncloak), [HN]Jona (TheBestAlly) in game ANOTHERONE,192 ladder points taken.
Duration: 55 turns, Watch replay
Players:Seraad (VanderDecken) SCIkick (Bigfoot), SirDrinkALot (Donotattack), nobibla (Trent), PATACA, Tim (Jolly), LordNerevar (Turncloak), Jona (TheBestAlly)

Tim: Congrats. Chanceless at the End... you could have end this earlier. You were very careful... very good Game!
Fri 10, Jun 2022, 12:11 pm
Seraad: Thanks! If you are winning there is no reason not to be careful. Though the power heroes after securing the temple area run to SirDringALot first, so they were busy and the offensive in Europe had to wait a bit.
Fri 10, Jun 2022, 12:35 pm


Player order Time left Gamename Map Mode Turn
= You
= Current player
When row is highlighted = Your turn in game
Number on shield = Number of missed turns
  = Player is using credits to extend turn time
= Indicator showing the number of times a player may extend his time through credits


Winner Players Mapname Features Turns Date
LordNerevar (Bortewan,pan)
48 2022-08-29
35 2022-07-24
Seraad (VanderDecken)
55 2022-06-10
No pasaran!
13 2022-06-01
60 2022-06-01



This player is playing with an undercover name. The player name is unknown.